Open Heart Spiritual Pilgrimage to Bali

October 18 , 2011  -  November 01 , 2011

(This pilgrimage is now completed)


This pilgrimage is now full, if you wish to join us, you may do so as outlined below.

You can assist in the energies as they are brought through for the changes to be brought to our world and our universe.
If you wish to assist in the Universal & Global activations and initiations that we will be part of as we walk this sacred path. You may join us energetically by following the directions given below and our itinerary posted below.
Sit in meditation each day with your intention to connect to the matrix of light that is being created and ask that to serve the highest and greatest good of all, in unity and harmony at all levels of creation, that you support the light in it’s path of evolution at this time for our Earth and our Universe and all levels of Creation.

Rose with the Masters and Beings of Light will be facilitating daily meditations, assisting with the ceremonies and gatherings that are performed, and having group gatherings.

Details may change based on the flow and guidance of the spiritual energies as things happen in the moment. You may join us energetically as we walk this sacred path.

NOTE: each morning there is a group meditation to start the day.