Open Heart Spiritual Pilgrimage to Bali
October 14 , 2009 - October 28 , 2009
(This pilgrimage is now completed)
October 12 through 22 of 2009 is the greatest cosmic shift in altering consciousness the world will experience before 2012. October 14 to 28 2009 our group will be on pilgrimage in Bali.
We will be spending time with the Shamans and Healers that still carry the ancient ways of ceremony and spirituality.We will be in Bali at their most sacred spiritual time of the year.
You may join us energetically by following our itinerary as posted below.Details may change based on the flow and guidance of the spiritual energies.
If you wish to join us energetically as we walk this sacred path. You can assist in the energies as they are brought through for the changes to be brought to our world and our universe.
Rose with the Masters will be facilitating daily meditations, assisting with the ceremonies and gatherings, and having group gatherings.